Tuesday, March 26, 3:00 p.m.
Locations listed by Building, Room
How Schools, Programs, and Educational Consultants Can Work Together to Retain Kids
Town Hall, Swan Studio
Maureen Brennan, Educational Consultant; Brennan Family Consulting
Nichol Ernst, Clinical Director, CEO, Owner; Summit Achievement
Jesse Friedman, Director of Partnerships; Prestans Online Academy
David Hodgson, Senior Associate Director of Admissions and Advancement; Vermont Academy
We all know retaining students is crucial to meeting a school's annual enrollment goals. It is no secret that these are challenging times for our students, and, at times, some of our students might need more support than is provided on campus. Learn how schools, programs, and consultants can work together to provide support for these students in order to remain as part of your student body.
Therapeutic to Traditional: How to Support Those Kids Before, During, and After Enrollment
Building C, Room 11
Mark Claiborne, Academic Director; Asheville Academy
Sue Cranford, Director of Enrollment; Eagle Hill School
David Baker, Associate Director of Admission; St. Johnsbury Academy
Students transitioning from therapeutic to traditional boarding environments is continuing to happen more and more. Thus, this presentation will discuss how to support therapeutic kids in three main ways: 1.) Before the transition, review how to make sure the student is right for your school and your school is right for the student. 2.) During the transition by discussing strategies for onboarding, entry, and support. 3.) After the transition by discussing ways in which the student can feel supported and the staff working with the student can feel confident in fostering the student's growth.
How To Talk So Your Diverse Parents Will Listen
Building A, Room 1
Marina Lee, Educational Consultant; Cogita Education Initiatives
This session focuses on how schools can better connect with parents and families of multicultural backgrounds to improve the K-12 educational experience for all stakeholders. Participants will leave this session knowing how to unravel the complexities of multicultural relationships and interactions with parents, families, and community members. Participants will be able to:
1.) Better understand how cross-cultural talk can impact teacher-parent communication and how familial involvement shapes and impacts student achievement.
2.) Immediately implement tools to increase communication effectiveness among parents/families.
3.) Advance the cause of diverse, equitable, and inclusive schools for all.
Harnessing the Super Powers of Post-Therapeutic Students: A Roundtable Discussion
Kayser/Samford Community Commons, Private Dining Room
Chrissy Liptrot, Educational Consultant; Liston Education Group
Elisabeth Swain, Educational Consultant; Liston Education Group
During this presentation and roundtable discussion, educational consultants Chrissy Liptrot and Elisabeth Swain will speak about their experiences identifying and sharing the remarkable strengths of their clients as they transition from therapeutic settings toward more traditional schools. Following a brief presentation, Elisabeth and Chrissy will lead a roundtable discussion between consultants and school representatives about how to ensure "best fit" during the application process, establish open lines of communication with families and between programs, and harness the superpowers of these students once they arrive on campus. Participants in this discussion will come away with a better understanding of how to support students and families as they make this vital transition.
LinkedIn for Small Boarding Schools & Education Consultants
Town Hall, Blue Lounge (Room 14)
Angie Ward, Founder & President; Enroll Media Group
Matt Soule, Director of Marketing; Chapel Hill Chauncy Hall
LinkedIn is the most trusted social media network in the US. Gone are the days when it was just for employers and job seekers. It is now used as a way for businesses, non-profits, and schools to engage with constituents and drive members, students, donations, and more. We will dive into the top ways boarding schools can leverage LinkedIn for fundraising, alumni engagement, and as an enrollment marketing tool. For the consultants in the room - we will dive into professional profile tips to help your practice and network expand.
Where Have All the Uncomplicated Kids Gone?
Town Hall, John Badham Theater
Rob Genetelli, Dean of Students; Landmark School
In an ever-shifting (pre/post-Covid) adolescent world, schools are challenged more than ever before to meet the myriad needs of our students. From enrollment specialists to student life and academic programming, how do schools evolve to meet these developing demands? From pronouns and identity to vaping, anxiety, sexting, sextortion, and AI, this workshop will review trends, discuss issues, and create a conversation regarding best practices.